Okay i give up my tries now so i post here cause im out of ideas.
Obviously i got nat problems, i can connect to any1, but ingame or if i wait in chat i suddenly get NAT to a random player for like 4 secs and get dropped.. If we're hosting a game, i get randomly kicked out and i can rejoin.
I have tried port forwarding, i opened 3 ports and i made my ip adress static.
That didnt work.
It failed again during a game and dropped me yet again.
I deactivated the firewall at the router, no sucsess either.
I made my ip adress dynamic again with firewall deactivated, no luck..
I recently bought airlink router which is wired up to another router which is Zyxel, reason why their wired up is cause of the telephone at home. What is causing me to get random nat fails here and then? any1 :OO?