I was thinking about what all of you lot out there are well known for and have various labals attached to you.
So take as many player names as you want, and post what they are well known for For example:
Panda: Spamming continuasly
Bigdick: King of smurfs
Rifle*insert correct numbers here*: The troll or smokaz smurf
soko: master of spot ninjitsu
Schmidt: Flame dispenser.
LeoPhone: the rager
gorkhali: the Grin Grin Grin
Soko: Fail connector and master lagger
Spinn72/Enkk: Big deal, people know him/them...
Mysth: Alleged RGD hobo guy
deadbolt: Forum Troll
Royalhants: AKA royaldodge/deadbolts apprentice
Wind: Stays in luancher all week, plays not a single game.
Morka: Alright guys I'm just gon- Ooooh, shiny.
Smokaz: You have caused me a great loss of 80gunz
nugnug: the personal incarnation of "evasive maneuvers" doctrine ability
thevolksinator: always comparing eir to vcoh.
EiRRMod : Soon™
Killer344: Lol
Malgoroth: sings "lullabys"!
Unkn0wn : Your maps can be whatever you want them to be. As long as they're exactly like I tell you.
Icelandic: Winner of the annual EIR spelling bees.
Lai: not actually being a player since 2008
AmPm: Trolololo lolololol.
Heartmann: Luftwaft, Tigers and lulz
Kwai: amazing ability to be horribly inconsistent as allies!
tank130: ill pay you $200 to give me a cool title.
Round 2:
Alphatig: The crazy lass who has probably buried her dad under her home.
Sophia: Is it a man, is it a lass is it two? Who knows?
Hicks: Everyone loves hime becuase he's british
Aeroblade: Wannabe deadbolt
Shab: Always seems to start a company build revolution
Nightrain: My archenemy....
Nikomas: One extreme to the next
Tym: Makes it easy for people to troll him
Demon767: now on a list. For once.
Volskinator - Jimmies are easily rustled
EIRRMOD: LuciferNZ aka that dude who went around spamming shit with puddin. That's right I said it
Smokaz: brilliance and rage
skaffa: heyhowru
Leophone: 8thRifle, would u like to play...a game?!
Baine: Everyone wants him dead... Especially Smokaz.
smurfORnot: insert extremely disturbing or innapproriate picture here that hes probably just fapped to
Longer Discriptions:
Known for being a slot machine. You might hit jackpot, but most of the times three quarters and a kwiatek doesn't add up to a dollar. Prefers Vehicle strategies and absurd youtube videos. Goes afk to roll joints, writes you intelligible mumbling in PM on ventrilo. Sounds like he is trapped in some kind of 5 second delayed space-continuum.
A EIR cornerstone. Veteran: more track marks than a formula 1 car and once randomly vanished from a game for several minutes, having his units idle destroyed and by passivity declared to have surrendered. When prompted what caused his absence he replied that "I thought I saw something shiny in the toilet." Denies that he does heroin but is unconvincing in his efforts.
While most EIRR players have the finga on the triggah, the triggah that Two has his finga on is the Alt-F4 button. Prone to extreme fits of rage. Has no luck whatsoever and is probably cursed by a voodoo doctor to experience horrible random events to his disfavor ingame. Without his hetrosexual life partner Keeps he has gone into deep depression and spends his time moving cheap trix like pretending to have a vagina on the forums. Likes to play Brits and favors the commando doctrine which he sucks quite badly at
Go f'ing nuts lads, the funnier the better.
And just so people don't get pissed. This is purely in all good intentions and for a great laugh! Ill keep an eye on the posts and update this one