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Author Topic: Prison, health care, society  (Read 35425 times)
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Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #40 on: July 23, 2011, 12:13:02 pm »

Once people no longer care about their effect on society, social welfare benefits become a bad thing to have.
Which is why you shouldn't provide them benefits unconditionally, obviously. Even in Europe there's systems in place to make sure they're actively looking for jobs, etc. There's ways to prevent people from taking advantage of the system.

Also US healthcare is still terrible regardless, it lacks quality and is far too costly, a public option is a FAR better deal on society. (As proven by the lower general health care costs in countries with public health care) Too bad the average American thinks socialism is right around the corner the moment their government tries to intervene. (Not realising they already have a big government and a lot less freedom than they think they do)

Icelandic: I pay $20 for any doctors visit I want, prescriptions are completely covered, my deductible is $150, my inpatient care is $18 fucking dollars a day. I will never go into debt because of a medical issue for myself or my daughter. It's a nothing cost if there is an emergency.
Isn't this organised by your local state? I.e I'm sure there's states where you'd be a lot worse off.
Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #41 on: July 23, 2011, 12:16:27 pm »

Split topic
« Reply #42 on: July 23, 2011, 12:29:03 pm »

Icelandic: I pay $20 for any doctors visit I want, prescriptions are completely covered, my deductible is $150, my inpatient care is $18 fucking dollars a day. I will never go into debt because of a medical issue for myself or my daughter. It's a nothing cost if there is an emergency.

People cross the border because they don't want to pay for insurance here.

how does ur health insurance system works?

we pay 15.5% of gross income a month for health insurance where its split between employer (7.3%) and employee (8.2%)...e.g. if you earn 3500€ (a decent income) gross income its 287€ a month for the employee while employer pays additional 256€ so its 543€ a month for health insurance

if the doctor say you need some medicine you have to pay additional 5€ each time you get ur medicine from drugstore
for being in hospital its additional 10€ a day

dentist stuff for teeth replacement is not included
AmPM Offline
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« Reply #43 on: July 23, 2011, 12:29:57 pm »

Quote from: BigDick on Today at 12:28:00 pm
how does ur health insurance system works?

we pay 15.5% of gross income a month for health insurance where its split between employer (7.3%) and employee (8.2%)...e.g. if you earn 3500€ (a decent income) gross income its 287€ a month for the employee while employer pays additional 256€ so its 543€ a month for health insurance

if the doctor say you need some medicine you have to pay additional 5€ each time you get ur medicine from drugstore
for being in hospital its additional 10€ a day

dentist stuff for teeth replacement is not included

I pay a flat rate of $160 USD for Health, Dental, Vision, all covered. I can make $10000 a month and still only pay $160 a month.

« Reply #44 on: July 23, 2011, 12:30:37 pm »

wow thats pretty cheap and pretty capitalistic at the same time
Mysthalin Offline
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« Reply #45 on: July 23, 2011, 12:31:55 pm »

Don't you guys also get pension included in that 15.5% total tax you're paying?

AmPM Offline
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« Reply #46 on: July 23, 2011, 12:32:53 pm »

Mine covers me and upto 5 additional people...I suppose I should have more kids lol.
Spartan_Marine88 Offline
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« Reply #47 on: July 23, 2011, 12:33:56 pm »

wow thats pretty cheap and pretty capitalistic at the same time

1. Its because he is/was in the military

2. Its not all covered, but he will figure it out if someone gets really sick not a little boo boo on there knee

over the past few years there have been alot of cases reported of people with full health care finding out that they owe the hospital a million dollars due to the treatment.

privatization or how to screw the civilian

Yes that's me, the special snowflake.
« Reply #48 on: July 23, 2011, 12:38:26 pm »

Don't you guys also get pension included in that 15.5% total tax you're paying?

nope its aditional 10% for employee and 10% for employer of gross income for pension

and aditional 2.2% (also split between employer and employee) thats called nursing insurance thats attached to the health insurance

so an employee has to spend around 20% (health insurance, nursing insurance and pension) of his gross income for social stuff while the employer pays the same too for the employee

aditional you need to pay tax and for unemployed insurance
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 12:45:02 pm by BigDick » Logged
Smokaz Offline
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« Reply #49 on: July 23, 2011, 12:46:11 pm »

Tbh I just feel like punching anyone in America that complains about being "poor".

When you have an xbox360, a PS3, drink beer and smoke pot all day long, on top of being dressed in decent clothes while UNEMPLOYED is NOT poor.

Its easy to judge them, especially when you're a ignoramus economist student. While millers lite, pot and clothes are cheap in america, getting a education is expensive. Unemployment is high as well and there's a lot more competition for the best to the worst job.

In LA, undoubtedly one of them more expensive places to live in american ,you cough up 6$ for a pint (0.5 litres). Here In norway on average you pay between 10-12$ for a 0.4 or a 0.5. In all cities. You can get down to 8$ in the shadiest of places, drinking with half-dead men. Still tops US prices in the same town Dexter is parading among white sails and houses killing criminals for his personal enjoyment on TV.

American minimum wage is federally 7.20$. How many hours do you need to drink a beer, Mysthalin? Judging from wiki (poor source, americans should comment) the minimum wage tops at 8$ for most states.

But because of how strong unions are in norway the minimum wage while not nationally enforced averages out on 20$ a hour and you'll be hard pressed to find those with the normal crappy cashier job being 22-24 dollahz. Even minors can make 20 a hour.

Bringing us on to pot, the minimum portion which you normally aquire in Norway through shady somalian street dealers is 1 gram, which averages 30 dollar for the regular okay pot and around 20 for a equal amount of base hashish. Now, I dont have a good study showing the differences in producing and importing pot and hashish to norway vs US, but I can bet your one eyed monkey mom that they're hilariously easier grow, distribute and sell overall in the US. I'm sure some american can comment on the prices of a bag (fiver) which averages 100$ here, usually more. The same applies to clothing because of market size and availability of cheap labour. Maybe Roll Eyes this is why there are no nike or adidas factories in norway?

Nobody needs to own their own xbox as well Cheesy Are you going to play Halo 3 alone?

In essence, its a lot more efficient spending of money to drink, smoke pot and play x-box in your average clothing in the US than in it is Norway. YOU EVER NEED MORE CLOTHES SOMETIMES BECAUSE ITS SO COLD. I could live a total Lebowski existence if I had norwegian income in the US.

[/essay on beer, pot and xbox]
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 12:54:00 pm by Smokaz » Logged

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Masacree Offline
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« Reply #50 on: July 23, 2011, 12:47:57 pm »

The United State's prison system is fucked up.

As far healthcare:

To all of my friends who say that America is drifting towards communism: I too share your excitement.

Sadly, America will never pass meaningful social reform programs.

I like how this forum in turn brings out the worst in anyone
To err is human, to eirr is retard
Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #51 on: July 23, 2011, 12:51:34 pm »

I blame republicans/tea party goons, FOX news and lobbyists.

It's just sad to see how people can get away with calling Obama a socialist, clearly they have absolutely no fucking idea what socialism entails. (Sickens me even more that they just mix it up as a synonym with facism, liberalism, etc)

The USA is becoming a third world country.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 12:56:44 pm by Unkn0wn » Logged
Smokaz Offline
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« Reply #52 on: July 23, 2011, 12:52:26 pm »

At least parts of the US has legalized medical pot. Big props for that. This forum could need a boatload of it to chill out.
Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #53 on: July 23, 2011, 12:52:58 pm »

Isn't that only in California?
Spartan_Marine88 Offline
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« Reply #54 on: July 23, 2011, 12:53:18 pm »

W00t go Canada

10$ minimum wage, beer is cheap and the health care is mainly paid for by your taxes.

Then again i guess thats what you get for trying to balance capitalism and socialism
Masacree Offline
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« Reply #55 on: July 23, 2011, 12:55:21 pm »

Only a couple of states have decriminalized or legalized medicinal.
Smokaz Offline
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« Reply #56 on: July 23, 2011, 12:58:45 pm »

"A couple"

= 16 states in one shape or form.

Main reason blocking it suggested on Wiki is that pharmacies wouldn't make enough money on it, apparently because you can't copyright a pot mixture.

Hell I dont know what those pharmacies are smoking. Everyone would buy the best medical marihuana, what are they taking about? Finally some positive competition in the market.
Masacree Offline
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Posts: 904

« Reply #57 on: July 23, 2011, 01:00:10 pm »

"A couple"

= 16 states in one shape or form.

Main reason blocking it suggested on Wiki is that pharmacies wouldn't make enough money on it, apparently because you can't copyright a pot mixture.

Hell I dont know what those pharmacies are smoking. Everyone would buy the best medical marihuana, what are they taking about? Finally some positive competition in the market.

meh, its not here so w/e
Spartan_Marine88 Offline
EIR Veteran
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« Reply #58 on: July 23, 2011, 01:00:37 pm »

"A couple"

= 16 states in one shape or form.

Main reason blocking it suggested on Wiki is that pharmacies wouldn't make enough money on it, apparently because you can't copyright a pot mixture.

Hell I dont know what those pharmacies are smoking. Everyone would buy the best medical marihuana, what are they taking about? Finally some positive competition in the market.

Look up the cure for cancer, a university in Vancouver discovered one but has been told publicly that its not profitable as it can't be patented so companies will not pick it up

and to note weed has been decriminalized up here, but its a very very far way from being legal. Meaning you can still be arrested for having it on you and using it.
« Reply #59 on: July 23, 2011, 01:01:43 pm »

In LA, undoubtedly one of them more expensive places to live in american ,you cough up 6$ for a pint (0.5 litres). Here In norway on average you pay between 10-12$ for a 0.4 or a 0.5. In all cities. You can get down to 8$ in the shadiest of places, drinking with half-dead men. Still tops US prices in the same town Dexter is parading among white sails and houses killing criminals for his personal enjoyment on TV.

wow that is actually really retarded and reminds me to my time in australia where i spend something like 25-30bucks for a bunch of XXXX or VB

at least we have cheap beer in germany

0.5liters of cheapest version 0.25€ aka 0.36$ while really expensive premium beer is a bit more than a 1$ for 0.5 liters
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