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GW 2 or TOR
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Topic: GW 2 or TOR (Read 5602 times)
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Posts: 4051
GW 2 or TOR
July 29, 2011, 01:47:04 pm »
Are you going to play Guild Wars 2 or Old republic?
GW2 will be without a fee and Tor probably with a fee, Tor so far looks like WoW in Star Wars tbh :/.
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #1 on:
July 29, 2011, 01:50:13 pm »
I will be buying GW2 if it plays like it looks but i have never liked MMO Rpgs tbh so we shall see.
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #2 on:
July 29, 2011, 02:13:52 pm »
Guild Wars 2 for sure. In my 5 years of playing the original on-and-off, Arenanet managed to create an entertaining and unique multiplayer game (without any annoying subscriptions), and they're still releasing (free) content packs for it. I have no doubt they'll do the same with the second installment.
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #3 on:
July 29, 2011, 02:28:49 pm »
Guild wars 2 for Sure. You know the Episode of Southpark,
Go God Go
(1012) and
Go God Go XII
(1013) Where Cartman wants the Wii so bad he freezes himself... I'm not far off.
Guild wars 2 Plays like an RPG but in an MMO world, and they are changing alot of the hardcore mechanics that MMO's are all about.
I like Star Wars fiction, but after having played The Old Republic it's just another game with a Skin on it to me. Guild Wars 2 looks engaging. I've been following it since they announced it
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Mister Schmidt
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #4 on:
July 29, 2011, 02:47:39 pm »
Quote from: xez0 on August 29, 2014, 10:57:01 am
and 6th " Main Thing " is you have to Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare ".
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #5 on:
July 29, 2011, 03:09:54 pm »
Quote from: brn4meplz on July 29, 2011, 02:28:49 pm
Guild wars 2 for Sure. You know the Episode of Southpark,
Go God Go
(1012) and
Go God Go XII
(1013) Where Cartman wants the Wii so bad he freezes himself... I'm not far off.
Guild wars 2 Plays like an RPG but in an MMO world, and they are changing alot of the hardcore mechanics that MMO's are all about.
I like Star Wars fiction, but after having played The Old Republic it's just another game with a Skin on it to me. Guild Wars 2 looks engaging. I've been following it since they announced it
GW2 shouldent even bear the title GW2, it looks like a cheap ripoff of wow with dodging. Everything that made GW1 is going out the door in a nice big FUCK YOU from Anet, as apparently they have concluded we dont actually like it.
And 10 - 1 there going to follow WOT in the grand scheme of making ftp more expensive then pay to play
maybe im just apprehensive since it feels like your playing army of 2 all over again. guns, pick up your wounded, rolling around so you dont get hit, oh and the fact that there eliminating all reason for you to play with people. just what i want in an mmo less partying
In conclusion i hate when devs start saying "players don't/do want" seeing as how they have no clue.
Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 03:17:04 pm by Spartan_Marine88
Quote from: Sachaztan on March 24, 2013, 03:49:43 pm
Yes that's me, the special snowflake.
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #6 on:
July 29, 2011, 03:25:22 pm »
Have you followed it at all? Clearly not!
Theres not going to be anything purchasable that gives you an edge over another player so the World of Tanks reference is out. World of Warcraft is a completely different game compared to Guild wars 2. The Structured PvP in Guild wars 2 puts every on the exact same footing regardless of their level. If you go into Structured PvP you'll have everything unlocked. All Abilities all items/Armour. You'll be on the exact same playing field as everyone else and skill will truly be the factor.
The only system I'm apprehensive about is the Downed state death system but even that in PvP will become important because you know exactly where they need to go to revive their team mate. It's not like characters in that state do any reasonable damage.
The Combat is faster paced because you can move while performing actions. thats why the Dodge mechanic is in place. However dodging isn't free so you can't do it all day.
Partying still exists, you simply form a Party(infact you have to form a Party for the dungeons) It's the Dynamic Event system where people work together without the party system in place which is a huge step to reworking how quests are performed. Waiting around for another hour because someone came through and killed 9 of your 10 Sandy shell beach crabs is fucking retarded.
You're afraid of change but the game is steps in most of the right directions and we'll see where it goes.
I have played The Old Republic and it was just like every other MMO expect it had a star wars skin. Nothing new there. Infact the Space combat is one of those "Rail shooters" which is utterly absurd. the Star Wars universe is built predominantly on Space combat and they've gone and castrated it.
Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 03:28:23 pm by brn4meplz
Mister Schmidt
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #7 on:
July 29, 2011, 03:42:33 pm »
I know all the criticisms of The Old Republic, but it's one of those things where I've set my mind on it, and I'm going to get it.
Call me crazy, but I want it. I want it bad.
The fact that it's similar to KoTOR is what gives it most of the appeal to me, nobody can deny that KoTOR is a simply great game.
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #8 on:
July 29, 2011, 03:54:44 pm »
I wanted TOR to just be an updated and more well though out version of SWG tbh. It looks like shit in its current form.
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #9 on:
July 29, 2011, 06:58:10 pm »
Quote from: Spartan_Marine88 on July 29, 2011, 03:09:54 pm
GW2 shouldent even bear the title GW2, it looks like a cheap ripoff of wow with dodging. Everything that made GW1 is going out the door in a nice big FUCK YOU from Anet, as apparently they have concluded we dont actually like it.
And 10 - 1 there going to follow WOT in the grand scheme of making ftp more expensive then pay to play
maybe im just apprehensive since it feels like your playing army of 2 all over again. guns, pick up your wounded, rolling around so you dont get hit, oh and the fact that there eliminating all reason for you to play with people. just what i want in an mmo less partying
In conclusion i hate when devs start saying "players don't/do want" seeing as how they have no clue.
Are we talking about the same game? Because Guild Wars 2 does not sound like that at all. And yeah, they're getting rid of a few features from Guild Wars 1 along the way... that's why it's a fully-fledged sequel and not just an expansion pack.
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #10 on:
July 29, 2011, 07:37:24 pm »
GW2 rulezz
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #11 on:
July 29, 2011, 08:15:07 pm »
Actually brn, maybe its the fact that when you 'die' you chuck a rock at an enemy and get to stand back up. I did not say that partying is going to be removed, but there is no point in partying anymore.
In guildwars 1 you HAD to party if you wanted to do the harder stuff. Now its no longer going to be an issue. You can talk all you bs about TOR. especially this
Quote from: brn4meplz on July 29, 2011, 03:25:22 pm
the Star Wars universe is built predominantly on Space combat and they've gone and castrated it.
evidence that your all hot air.
Lotro recently made every main line quest able to be soloed. until you have seen what a change that makes and how horrible it is you can go on and on all you want.
and at vermillion hawk.
things removed from GW
-multi classing yep that means you no longer get to have YOUR charachter. you will end up running the exact same build as everyone else. no more choosing 8 skills out of 400 and showing off your creativity and skill in combat.
-healing class one of the hardest things to do well and in GW pvp especially gvg was essential, its what made the pvp epic. But apparently none played healers (so the devs said) even though it took all of 2 min to find one, or even less time to just fucking make one at max level
thats just 2 'little' things that are gone. two little things that made the pvp the best imho, so no whats gw 2 going to do after you beat pve? raiding? because its pvp aint going to ever be the same
btw if you dont understand how they are forcing you to play cookie cutter toons, then you clearly never played mmo's
and to quote somone from the gw1 community this is how gw2 is going to play out in key presses.
1 2 3 (dodge) 1 2 3 (dodge) 1 2 3 (dodge) 1 2 3 (dodge) 1 2 3 (dodge) 1 2 3 (dodge) oh my i was to slow pop heal 1 2 3 (dodge) 1 2 3 (dodge) 1 2 3 (dodge) 1 2 3 (dodge) 1 2 3 (dodge)
Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 08:19:55 pm by Spartan_Marine88
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #12 on:
July 29, 2011, 08:40:10 pm »
Well I apologize that you have been so misguided in that way Spartan. Claiming the series called Star Wars (read the title for a second) is NOT based around space combat is pretty stupid. Solidifying that argument is the fact that the original trilogy had nearly all the epic action sequences take place in space.
Allowing all quests to be soloed is not a bad thing in this case, where Anet has said they are using a power scaling system, so that when you are doing quests with allies (because here it's not mandatory, it's for that long lost feeling known as fun) you won't have a distinct advantage, even in low-level areas.
Multi-classing? You get to choose only one class. And what the hell are you talking about, Guild Wars 1 PvP was ALL builds, you would get kicked from any respectable PvP party if you were running anything but the latest PvX flavour-of-the-month build for your profession combo.
Removal of the healing class is not bad at all. See, you're thinking of Guild Wars 2 in terms of Guild Wars 1, where you still had the anchor to the MMO Holy Trinity (Tank, DPS, Healer). Guild Wars 2 is trying to separate themselves from that. Anet is not making a direct sequel, they're making an entirely new game in the same lore.
Of course, nobody is going to make you like the game. By all means, stick with Guild Wars 1 and play your Trinity-based PvP with the other people who can't wrap their heads around the idea of a change in the core mechanics that MMO's have been trapped in since the advent of WoW. Just stop spouting bullshit about it.
And who the hell even says "toon" anymore?
Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 09:30:10 pm by Vermillion_Hawk
Posts: 1854
Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #13 on:
July 29, 2011, 09:58:04 pm »
Obviously, both! I love the unique style that was GW1 and GW2 won't be any different (and it's free), so I'll be able to keep up with that and SWTOR.
Surprised at your bias against GW2, though pretty much everything you've said about the game is wrong and you're grossly misinformed. If any of these games is a 'clone' of WOW, it would be more of SWTOR, while GW2 itself is completely different that WOW... WOW with dodging, heh. Cute.
And technically you didn't HAVE to party in GW1, though the game was obviously more fun that way I believe.
And good post burn and vermillion. Though i don't mind the move of focus away from the space battles (since you're acting as individual heroes and characters, not admirals in charge of vast fleets). For the 'mass of players', ground-centric focus is the way to go.. can't have everyone in a Star Destroyer afterall, heh.
I highly look forward to seeing how GW2 will break the old mold on MMO gaming, if it's anything how revolutionary they did GW1 with the non-pay model and gameplay, I have high hopes for that. And here's looking forward to SWTOR!
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #14 on:
July 29, 2011, 10:16:12 pm »
Quote from: Vermillion_Hawk on July 29, 2011, 08:40:10 pm
Multi-classing? You get to choose only one class. And what the hell are you talking about, Guild Wars 1 PvP was ALL builds, you would get kicked from any respectable PvP party if you were running anything but the latest PvX flavour-of-the-month build for your profession combo.
Those builds were only for the worst of the pros, anyone who went by builds were hard countered by the end of the week and everyone could choose a second class that amounts to fine dual classing
as to starwars it was pretty mixed space and ground.
And i will see how GW turns out
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #15 on:
July 29, 2011, 10:22:52 pm »
Quote from: lionel23 on July 29, 2011, 09:58:04 pm
Obviously, both! I love the unique style that was GW1 and GW2 won't be any different (and it's free), so I'll be able to keep up with that and SWTOR.
Surprised at your bias against GW2, though pretty much everything you've said about the game is wrong and you're grossly misinformed. If any of these games is a 'clone' of WOW, it would be more of SWTOR, while GW2 itself is completely different that WOW... WOW with dodging, heh. Cute.
And technically you didn't HAVE to party in GW1, though the game was obviously more fun that way I believe.
And good post burn and vermillion. Though i don't mind the move of focus away from the space battles (since you're acting as individual heroes and characters, not admirals in charge of vast fleets). For the 'mass of players', ground-centric focus is the way to go.. can't have everyone in a Star Destroyer afterall, heh.
I highly look forward to seeing how GW2 will break the old mold on MMO gaming, if it's anything how revolutionary they did GW1 with the non-pay model and gameplay, I have high hopes for that. And here's looking forward to SWTOR!
GW is like DDO, minus all the cool shit that fucks you up.
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #16 on:
July 31, 2011, 07:11:25 am »
Totally getting GW2
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Re: GW 2 or TOR
Reply #17 on:
August 07, 2011, 02:32:55 am »
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