A couple of you may have seen me back in action a couple times recently, I moved into a new apartment with my girlfriend and got fucking high speed internet! It's great! I don't have too much time to play, maybe a game or three a week, but it's great being back!
I have to say all the rumors and dates and things that I thought would be in the mod a year ago are finally here, and I have to say the wait was worth it, just the basic launcher updates are fantastic, and I love that everything is unlocked so I can give a lot of new things a try, though I missed my CW croc company so I've been playing with that lately. Different game modes and it appears timer things are working now too!
All of this is fun and dandy and at the end of a round I have no idea what the points I'm doing do (i assume nothing until the warmap is actually working) but it's awesome seeing the mechanics at work.
So I just want to say good job devs
Also I'm wondering how reward points work, I didn't think they were in at all, but then I saw someone with a m20 and assume they must be in at some capacity. Anyways, hope to see you guys in game!