Hey everyone,
I'm glad i finally found the kind of mod i'm looking for !
I talked about that kind of mod some months ago on the Relic Forums. I thought i would copy/paste the ideas i had. Maybe that would give you some more ideas
I'm not sure if this already exists but i haven't found anything about that idea so here i am, asking what you think about it.
So with the Patch 1.3 and the Mod tools coming, we are going to be able to do our own maps, right?
So i was thinking about setting up a special tournament like the one i used to play at on Warcraft 2 and later on BF2 Combat.
Let me share the principles with you:
You get the map of the World, you divide it on a said numbers of points which represent Regions. They are linked pretty like it is on Planetside, which means it's like a web where every points is linked to 1, 2 or 3 other points.
For example, Italy is made of 10 regions (points). One of the Inland point gets the Carentan map affected to it (the best is to match settings...like a coastal region gets the Normandy map because you get to "see" the sea), which means that when player are going to fight for that Region, they are going to fight on this map and this one only.
Now, at the beginning of the Tournament, Teams (this is where lay the first trouble since there are only two real teams Allied and Axis) receive an amount of Conquest Points. They spend these points in order to "buy" these Regions or rather bid on them.
The principle is that before the tournament begins, the teams get around a table, and on a random basis, points are getting picked and Teams get to bid on them (the goal is to get adjacent territories, or some with the least access to, the ones who can be the best defended, the best resources you get from themetc.)
For example, Teams get 500 CP at the beginning.
The bid starts and the first region (which is a Russian Region) is a very good one because it’s in the eastern part of the World Map and can only be accessed by 2 other regions.
Team 1 bids for 25 CP.
Team 2 bids for 30 CP.
Team 1 really wants it so they bid 50 CP.
Team 2 likes the map but they’d rather focus on having the Italy because there are more Coastal Regions (which means they will be able to match it with the Normandy map, for example) so they are going to save CP to be sure to get that Italy area.
Team 1 wins the bid and has now 450 CP.
Slowly, all the points are being bided on until either no regions are left to be bet on, or none of the teams have points to spend on bids.
After that, another round of Bid is engaged but this one concerns Maps. This is where the mod tools have their use since there are not a lot of maps on CoH yet. A good number would probably be around 15 to 20.
Anyway, the principle is to try to bid on the maps you want to affect to your regions. The only restriction being that Maps must match the type of region (Mainly, coastal region must have coastal map, and so on.). Capitals are also the biggest type of map, so a 4v4 map.
Once everything has been distributed or when no more points are left, the game can start.
Conquest points:
At the end of every Tour of Duty (after each match, basically), a calculation is made in order to see how many CP points you get.
The formula we were using back then was SUMcp = nt (number of territories you own) x 8. Your capital counts for 2 points.
Ex : Team 1 has 4 countries, including their Capital city so they get: SUMcp = 5 (3 countries +1 capital city)*8 = 40CP
These points are used to buy certain bonus you can apply to your Regions or to your game. Only a limited number of bonus or actions can be applied during a Tour of Duty.
For example:
Ambush (60 CP) = you know the enemy is coming. You are prepared for it. If you get attacked, you will have the opportunity to outnumber the enemy, meaning that he will have to fight 2v1, 3v2 or 4v3. You can’t use ambush if the Region is a 1v1 map.
Spy (70 CP) = you sent some intel in the enemy region. It will tell you what map is being affected to that region and if an Ambush is waiting for you.
Axis Scrambled Communication - Armor (120 CP) = your talented Intel has done a real good job by confusing the enemy! His Tiger Division has been given fake information and will not be able to back up the troops. The enemy cannot use one of the two Command tree (Blitzkrieg or Terror).
Of course, there are counters like:
Counter-espionage (150 CP) = the enemy thought he was smarter than you. You know he has been trying to confuse your Intel but you were prepared. Effect: You cancel every action he has been trying to launch on your territory (works with Axis Scrambled Communication – Armor, Allied Scrambled Communication – Armor)
These are just few examples of what can be done!
Then, the teams try to conquest the World J
There a lot more rules on that kind of tournamement but i wanted to give the "nutshell"
Hope that might help