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Author Topic: Gay Marriage  (Read 190751 times)
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TheArea Offline
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« Reply #80 on: April 17, 2013, 09:53:24 pm »

LMAO, Aero just made this thread epic.
Sachaztan Offline
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« Reply #81 on: April 18, 2013, 01:04:22 am »

Wow...you really are serious aren't you Pony? My trolldar needs to be fixed, turns out I can't assume you are trolling you because you write something retarded.

So next year I take it you will be voting for either the Swedish Democrats or the Christian Democrats? They're the only parties in parliament that shares your sentiment, and outside of it only the Nazis has the same opinion.

Demon posession is real and it's not funny, it's the creepiest thing you will ever experience.

I would also like to add I watch fox news everyday all day and will continue to watch it while being proud of that fact. I'm sure you enjoy your communist news network just as much.
Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #82 on: April 18, 2013, 01:09:19 am »

Lmao @ that picture.

I think this thread is now complete.
brn4meplz Offline
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« Reply #83 on: April 18, 2013, 01:23:05 am »

I don't see why people get bent out of shape.

If homosexuality bothers you that much take solace in the fact that if it's a genetic trait it's ultimately self destructive.

Anything that conflicts with the survival instinct acts sooner or later to eliminate the individual and thereby fails to show up in future generations.

Let them have marriage, no church is forced to marry them. All it is, is an agreement between the state and 2 individuals. It's not a man and a child, or 400 shoes.

I don't care if 6 women want to marry the same guy. I do care when domestic violence or abuse is in play though. Incest is illegal because it will genetically deform your child with potentially severe repercussions.

As a member of a nations armed forces who has worked with homosexual members I can definitively say it doesn't bother me. If you know your job and I can rely on your performance in a combat environment then I don't care what you do in your off time.

If I get shot and it's a gay medic fixing me up, he's not gonna be fondling my balls while he does it. You can't patch a chest wound and suck a cock at the same time.

Alternatively, if you suck at your job and I cannot rely on your performance I'm not going to like you as a co-worker. Homosexuality has nothing to do with you being an idiot so it never comes into play.

He thinks Tactics is a breath mint

Wow I think that was the nicest thing brn ever posted!  Tongue

the pussy of a prostitute is not tight enough for destroy a condom Wink
XIIcorps Offline
Posts: 2558

« Reply #84 on: April 18, 2013, 01:41:03 am »

Single greatest post ever

some of My kids i work with shower me Wink
acker Offline
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« Reply #85 on: April 18, 2013, 01:54:43 am »

I don't care if 6 women want to marry the same guy. I do care when domestic violence or abuse is in play though. Incest is illegal because it will genetically deform your child with potentially severe repercussions.

TBH, I don't think rulings on incest on the basis of genetic deformity are consistent. The chances for genetic issues for children born of incest are overrated for one-generation issues*, and genetic testing exists to screen out potential defects. More notably, it's perfectly legal for people who are known to have dominant autosomal genetic diseases to marry and have children.

If it's legal for an adult with double-allele Huntington's disease to marry and have children, I don't see why incest should be illegal for genetic reasons.

*More importantly, genetic issues involve, well, genes. The risk varies for any individual couple from none to high.

Last edit: someone actually analyzed the risk ><


~2-3% higher than the average population for first cousins, where average population is ~2-3%. So it can be said that the risk doubles, or that the risk is 1 in 20.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 02:22:21 am by acker » Logged
Heartmann Offline
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« Reply #86 on: April 18, 2013, 02:38:36 am »

So  glad my town is all Catholic, no fags allowed!

Oh yea catholic mmm no bumming going on there ... Well unless you are between 4-8 and you go to church and...... Hang on ! "Noooo father mcdugan, don't flub me there" sorry repressed momries T.T

Anyway back to issues, we should love the diversity of our rich cultures, homosexuality is so we set this straight not a choice, if it was then you would during your life span born straight and then get gradually introduced to cock/mindge, oh try a cock or two it's good for you, and that's not how it works, you are born, and then come to a realisation that your libido is tuned to either same sex, both or one of the other, or sheep if your are welsh/NZ.

Personally homosexuality is the best thing we can have, I mean who else are so flamboyantly retarded and colourful in these gray and narrow index times? We need the homosexual comunity, so it's diversity can reflect our own lacking, we need ppl who are different in order to reflect our own stagnation.

The people and cultures that don't adapt and Change withe the times will die out, so either join us in the 21-st century or fade away.

And anyway it's not like they are filthy communists or catholic pricks so be happy^^

In the basement getting drunk.
It's not really creepy until I show up.............

- I've heard of being an animal in bed but...

- The phallic principle of the Navy Wink
brn4meplz Offline
Misinformation Officer
Posts: 6952

« Reply #87 on: April 18, 2013, 02:48:48 am »

 The link didnt say anything, it just recomended not screening genetics. But using dye markers during pregnancy.

Yeah I didn't word it properly, I kinda got lost in the post. Though I'm pretty sure incest cases produce much higher amounts of birth defects then non incestuous couples. The alleles are just so similar in parent-child or sibling-sibling cases.

Either way it's illegal.
XIIcorps Offline
Posts: 2558

« Reply #88 on: April 18, 2013, 03:04:56 am »

Bahaha at the whole god hates fags ideology.
I'm an atheist but I know that the bible tells us that there was Adam and eve
From them humanity grew, incest 10 Fucking 1.

Also shout out to EIR MOD. Gay marrage is now legal next it will be bestiality and he and his flock can be free Smiley
ick312 Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 534

« Reply #89 on: April 18, 2013, 03:57:36 am »

kind of funny that pro gay  marriage guys get personal, while anti gay marriage guys try to give arguments.

I don't know Wind, that whole 21 virgins thing kinda peaked my interest a little .......
From fucking kids to fucking christ, jesus heartmann. Just stop already you filthy monster, you are only making it worse
PonySlaystation Offline
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« Reply #90 on: April 18, 2013, 04:00:36 am »

Homosexuality should be confined in solitary confinement so that they can no longer spread their disease. Preferably through an institution of forced labor.

So next year I take it you will be voting for either the Swedish Democrats or the Christian Democrats? They're the only parties in parliament that shares your sentiment,

They don't stand for that. Plus why would make an insignificant issue my dealbreaker? Not only do they make up an extremely small part of the population but laws have already passed long ago and they're not about to change. Homosexuality was made legal in 1944 and now you can pretty much go ahead and marry a table or whatever you want.

Sharks are not monsters Henley, they are cute, cuddly and misunderstood. They love humans. sometimes they love TOO much. They love people so much that sometimes their kisses separate people into two flailing pieces which are consumed by other sharks in a frenzy of peace and joy.
nikomas Offline
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« Reply #91 on: April 18, 2013, 05:06:41 am »

kind of funny that pro gay  marriage guys get personal, while anti gay marriage guys try to give arguments.
How about clones remark? I think you're running a case of seeing what you want to see here.

"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing—after they've tried everything else."

Quote from: PonySlaystation
The officer is considerably better than a riflemen squad at carrying weapons. Officers have good accuracy so they will hit most targets.
Killer344 Offline
The Inquisitor
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« Reply #92 on: April 18, 2013, 05:52:01 am »

If I get shot and it's a gay medic fixing me up, he's not gonna be fondling my balls while he does it. You can't patch a chest wound and suck a cock at the same time.

quote of the year rofl.

If I get shot and it's a gay medic fixing me up, he's not gonna be fondling my balls while he does it. You can't patch a chest wound and suck a cock at the same time.
CrazyWR Offline
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« Reply #93 on: April 18, 2013, 05:54:33 am »

ya srsly, dunno how people missed that one

1. New tactics? it's like JAWS, first one in the water dies

RCA-land where shells fall like raindrops and the Captain is an invincible god
ick312 Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 534

« Reply #94 on: April 18, 2013, 06:39:31 am »


well i only read the first pages and after that only punctiolly but it was enough to understand whats going on here.

just to make some things clear.  

niko if you talking about this
So  glad my town is all Catholic, no fags allowed!
then i need to tell you that i dont see a personal offense to anyone. using "fags" for gays is not nice, but i dont see a personal attack. its neither an offense nor an argument - its a statement in harsh words.

what i see is alpha calling me a faggot for having another opinion than her.

Marriage, what is that? Marriage was there long before the bible. It was the official announcement to the community that two people are allowed to have sex with eachother. And as all men are, they like if they know that their "wife" belongs only to them and never followed another men. The virginity was nothing else than a prove, that she never had another men in her life. Homosexuals compared to that didnt need a marriage - no hymen destroyed when they practiced sex - no child from another men is going to be born after a cheat on their partner.

So from a cultural point of view, it clearly describes Man and Woman starting a family. Looking from an evolutionary point was the marriage a good deal for both genders. In the past the alphamale had his harem and mainly only he could make offsprings. In return for the children, the women received protection and food for their children. However the other males in the group didnt had the privileg to have as many children as the alpha male. When the tasks became more complex and the alpha male needed to rely on other males, they of course wanted a payment - women. So rules were needed which woman belong to who?
This was when monogamy was born. The woman gurantees that the children are only from her man  and she gets protection and food - good deal for both. This is how it started.
Now when the groups began to become bigger, there was an official announcement needed, to make everybody clear that this man and woman belong together and no one else should intervene. That was the contract on which our modern society was build up, That was a wedding!!!

Lets have a historical overview on homosexuality in different cultures.
-For Greeks and Romans it was quite normal to be homosexual.
-Japanese Warrior nobility went in their childhood to another older Samurai to be taught by them. When they reached puberty, they usually started a homosexual affair with their teacher.
ALL these 3 cultures accepted homosexuality, mainly because they have seen women very bad. But for all of these cultures it was normal to also have children with their wife.

Lets draw a comparison to the modern homosexuality.
Woman have, thank god, a far better position in society. Homosexualty is in many western nations at least tollerated. But also they dont have the same rights, like marriage, adopting or tax benefits.
The difference between the old homosexuality and the modern one is that the old still raised children TOGETHER WITH A WOMAN. The modern homosexuality is a Lifestyle, a subculture, which is based on a sexual orientation.

!!!This subculture is the main point why people have issues with homosexuals!!!

You can see this subculture at many places and this disturbs many Man. As i have shown in my first post is no one born as "gay", even if you have a genetic consteallation which promotes it, you still have a massive cultural impact and a choice of being "gay" or not.
So having a culture arround prople which promotes homosexuality can make the difference on a persons choice of being homosexual or not. Usually few "homosexuals" become after a certain time in that subcultre straight.
We should not forget that a group gives us a frame, where we get attention, respect, recognition and new ideas. So things that each human needs. Usually these groups are build arround activities like rugby, boxing or working. We mostly choose our partners from these groups  and so due to the fact that all humans need love, recognition etc. is it quite hard to leave these groups dependent on how much you get from them.

This homosexual subculture is in that concern special. Because of the fact that the group identity is based on their sexual orientation and the activites arise from that.

Considering the facts mentioned above, it is quite comprehensible why many man react bad to gay marriage. Not because two humans love eachother or having sex with eachother, but because of the culture which is celebrated arround it and find its expression in clothing, parades and a certain nightlife.

My Opinion:
I can only speak for germany and how our society should be. I have the right to have ideas how our society should be, cause i spend since my 8.th class each afternoon in school to support children from less educated families for free and i taught at an elementary school sports, cause most of the children there couldnt effort a sportsclub. I have done something for the society, i had responsibility and i earned the right, to say my opinion how it should be.

"Gays" should not get married in germany. For the following reasons:
- respect to the traditions. Marriage was for centuries between Man and Woman. It should stay like that.
- homosexual subculture can capture young man in homosexuality. Guys who would usually kiss a nice blond girl. You can tell me whatever you want, but theres nothing more beautiful in the world than the face of a girl in love. No matter what "gays" tell you, that they find man more attractive, the real estethic of the world is expressed in woman, even for a homosexual.
- Germans are a pack. And here go a bit deeper in our culture:
There are few things that germans have in common but these 4 things they are all doing.

1.believe in justice: in the one true way how it really was. Quite nice to observe in trials, cause germans ahve the strange behaviour to trust the state and the institution, that found out THE truth.
(by the way: if you negotiate with a german: argue with justice and you get a yes)

2.altruism: For any strange reasons the majority of germans tendens to work for others for no adequate reward (often without). 2 very obvious examples of this are: When Father and me build our first Waterpowerplant we needed some spare parts so we asked the farmer if he had these, we couldnt go away cause we were working with a crane, he didnt had the needed Parts. But he went away getting them and sold us them for the original price. And the other example is that you hear from each generation of germans the same sentence. "Our children shall have it better" even though they had a good life.

3. Drinking find a pub that isnt crowded

4. complaining: germans love to complain

these 4 attributes are what makes you german.
The whole german state is designed to these attribute and is set up on these. So everyone is strongly impaired by pack, but also benefits strongly from it.
The best example is our pensionsystem: the younger ones pay to the old ones, so that they have money to live, this works as long as you have at least 2 children per couple. But homosexuals dont get any children! But they receive the advantages from it!!! If they can marry they have to pay less taxes, they get pension, they get healthcare advantages.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 08:00:38 am by ick312 » Logged
Sachaztan Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 2667

« Reply #95 on: April 18, 2013, 07:13:46 am »

They don't stand for that. Plus why would make an insignificant issue my dealbreaker? Not only do they make up an extremely small part of the population but laws have already passed long ago and they're not about to change. Homosexuality was made legal in 1944 and now you can pretty much go ahead and marry a table or whatever you want.

Considering your rhetoric it really ought to be a deal-breaker for you.

The Christian Democrats were the ONLY party in the parliament that opposed gay marriage when it was legalized in 2009 and the Swedish Democrats are together with the Christian Democrats the most anti LGBT-rights parties (in fact they are the only ones) in parliament. And like I said, besides these two parties only neo-nazi parties opposes LGBT-rights in Sweden.

That's the kind of people that sympathizes with you.

Oh and your comment about marrying tables is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING RIDICULOUS. It is nonsense, not legal and in no way comparable to gay marriage at all.
Sachaztan Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 2667

« Reply #96 on: April 18, 2013, 07:45:55 am »

Here's two valid arguments about gay marriage.

1. Religious institutions shouldn't be forced by the government to allow gay couples to marry. There's a perfectly good civil marriage institution that they can use instead.

2. If gay people are allowed to marry then why don't we allow siblings to marry? Stop the hypocrisy and ban gay marriage, after all we wouldn't want to allow incest?

Might be others, but please keep the retarded ones to yourself.
tank130 Offline
Sugar Daddy
Posts: 8890

« Reply #97 on: April 18, 2013, 08:27:24 am »

Here's two valid arguments about gay marriage.

1. Religious institutions shouldn't be forced by the government to allow gay couples to marry. There's a perfectly good civil marriage institution that they can use instead.

2. If gay people are allowed to marry then why don't we allow siblings to marry? Stop the hypocrisy and ban gay marriage, after all we wouldn't want to allow incest?

Might be others, but please keep the retarded ones to yourself.

I agree with 1.

Gay marriage does not have a risk of creating disabled offspring. In fact, a gay marriage can not physically create off spring, so number 2. is  nonsensical bullshit.

Geez, while Wind was banned I forgot that he is, in fact, totally insufferable
I'm not going to lie Tig, 9/10 times you open your mouth, I'm overwhelmed with the urge to put my foot in it.
Sachaztan Offline
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« Reply #98 on: April 18, 2013, 08:55:08 am »

Hey Alpha Tig, ever heard about the separation of church and state?
terrapinsrock Offline
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« Reply #99 on: April 18, 2013, 09:01:07 am »

meh if anything Gay marriage benefits the straight guys even more:

1. Less competition for girls
2. Gay guys seem to always know the best girls
3. when I've hung out with them, they seem to be the best wingmen

I dont see how this is bad

Bit hard when its flaunted infront of you as a  broken reward piece of ass you'll never get to shag with.
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