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Author Topic: Halo love/hate  (Read 14135 times)
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LordMalgoroth Offline
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« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2008, 06:52:45 pm »

...The remaining aliens spun,glistening energy sheilds glistened between them and him.
   There were three coughs from silenced MA5Bs...

Bad writing. I think I can pass on the books secure in my assumption that I won't be missing anything.

Halo sucks. The games are so overrated. Linear levels with hyper bright/unrealistic colors, stupid looking vehicles (Those tanks... honestly... wth?) and spazzy little alien midget things keep me from taking the game seriously. It's just boring.
Skynxnex Offline
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« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2008, 07:06:34 pm »

Look at the awesomeness and sweet sound effects of this guy's guns!!!

RikiRude5 Offline
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« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2008, 07:40:53 pm »

These are the reasons why Halo is popular, and these are the reasons why Halo just plain sucks.

Halo is popular because it was the first well known game to give you the same feeling that Goldeneye 64 gave you. And that is 4 player split screen kick ass fun. You had different games modes and different weapons. Halo was also one of the first games for the xbox so everyone had it. Now here is the thing, ANY game could of been halo. It could of been a WWII, revolutionary war, you name it, that could of been Halo. Halo is a simple product of right place right time. The fact is Halo was 2 player co-op and 4 player split screen, THAT is the reason it sold so well. Keep in mind it was CONSOLE game that brought people together. Also the fact that most Halo gamers were in college and were able to LAN together also helps with the games success.

And here is why Halo sucks.
Halo was a god send to console gamers, everyone that was playing PC games looked at Halo and thought "Oh a mediocre multiplayer game." Why would you want to play Halo when you were playing much better FPS online with people? Be it Return to Castle Wolfenstien, Quake, Unreal, Battlefield, fact is all the PC games were way better then Halo in most cases. Not to mention if you had console the BEST multiplayer 4 player FPS out there was (and in my opinion still is) Time Splitters. When all those idiots were sitting around thinking Halo was this amazing playing, playing on those enormous ridiculous controllers, me and a couple of my friends were playing Time Splitters 2 with it's better game play, fun characters, and better weapons (you could dual wield!). Heck it had a virus mode and zombies.

Anyways, Halo is the jock of games imo. It is the game that turned frat guys into gamers. Either way, Halo is and always will be in my book a sub-par FPS whose only draw is the 2 player co-op and the 4 player split screen. Give CoD 4 four player split screen online capability and you'd probably see a game on the 360 that competes with halo.

"Let me open with a magic trick, I'll make this pencil disappear!" - The Joker

*if anyone knows the exact quote please tell me =)
Go_Outside Offline
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« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2008, 08:54:23 pm »

daam riki im a pretty die hard fan of Halo but that...that just hurt........ Cry I loved the story line the LEGENDARY difficulty mode. I can't tell you how many hours me and my friends spent trying to beat all the levels on legendary solo and well as co-op and the fact that those little cannon fodders called grunts ran in terror when you killed the elites......*sigh* the good ole days not to mention all the little things you could mess with like seeing how many nades it took to launch a warthog into the atmosphere or see how long you can last against marines when you shot the captain on the first level or seeing who can kill hunters in the most elegant and efficient ways for me the list goes on and on. its just......*sigh* to me it felt like a godsend when it came out.
Basically it gave me a reason to hold on to my xbox besides being a huge expensive paper weight.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 08:57:00 pm by Go_Outside » Logged
Chubba Offline
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« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2008, 10:01:31 pm »

Halo is the result of the powerful Microsoft hype juggernaut. This game can, apparently, do no wrong. The multiplayer, perfect. The story grand and epic. Characters you can connect with. Or so they'd have you believe.

In truth, there's not a thing Halo does that separates it from most other FPS on the market, apart from the fact that it was the first above average FPS on the XBOX. Take that however, and you have a company that needs a 'hero' so to speak in marketing terms, to get people to buy the console in its first infant stages.

Halo as a game itself is actually not bad. In fact, one might even call it good. But you couldn't call it excellent. It has a couple of nifty features (e.g. The Health Regen System everyone now apes) but apart from that, nothing astonishing. For the story itself, it gets itself a shiny silver medal for at least trying. There's nothing particularly special about the Human vs Alien story we've all seen and done but what sets it apart is its telling of the story. You can sell the same old story again and again, just so long as you tell it well.

TL:DR - Halo is an above average game that was hyped so much it turned into a successful franchise with a player base that mostly believe it can do no wrong.
RikiRude5 Offline
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« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2008, 03:05:23 am »

Halo is the result of the powerful Microsoft hype juggernaut. This game can, apparently, do no wrong. The multiplayer, perfect. The story grand and epic. Characters you can connect with. Or so they'd have you believe.

In truth, there's not a thing Halo does that separates it from most other FPS on the market, apart from the fact that it was the first above average FPS on the XBOX. Take that however, and you have a company that needs a 'hero' so to speak in marketing terms, to get people to buy the console in its first infant stages.

Halo as a game itself is actually not bad. In fact, one might even call it good. But you couldn't call it excellent. It has a couple of nifty features (e.g. The Health Regen System everyone now apes) but apart from that, nothing astonishing. For the story itself, it gets itself a shiny silver medal for at least trying. There's nothing particularly special about the Human vs Alien story we've all seen and done but what sets it apart is its telling of the story. You can sell the same old story again and again, just so long as you tell it well.

TL:DR - Halo is an above average game that was hyped so much it turned into a successful franchise with a player base that mostly believe it can do no wrong.

Chubba, very well written and QFT!
|-|Cozmo|-| Offline
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« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2008, 03:58:41 am »

lol, true. TBH No other game i can remember has had this effect, People genuinely believe that this game is 100% awesome and perfect.

To be fair; i have no idea how they did it.
Thtb Offline
The German Guy
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« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2008, 04:14:38 am »

Its made for slightly retarded gamers  a.k.a. X-Box assholes.

Sepsis Offline
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« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2008, 06:52:41 am »

It's true that the gameplay sure is bland, but if you bother to look deeper into the game you'd see there is way more to it than 'some guy goes around killing aliens'. There is so many little details in the game that make it stand out storywise compared to things like timesplitters 2 (one of the worst games I've ever played tbh).

If the story can actually provoke some emotion then its successful and the whole fighting for survival of a species is pretty epic imo. The Halos, Gears of War, CoD 4 and Half Life 2 are some of the best storyline games around, while on the surface they seem like mindless shoot em ups they are actually pretty deep. For Halo, reading the books can really make you appreciate it more.

Judging it as 'bad writing' from one little tiny segment is bullshit, I can tell you that apart from the 2nd book by a different author, they are really great. Not top notch but definitely worth reading.
PrydainII Offline
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« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2008, 07:46:17 am »

The problem for me on the whole Halo issue is the fucking dumb lyres that call themselves reviewers at places like Gamespot where this game was hailed. Now I just think to myself "WHAT THE FUCK", when I brought Crysis I knew it was a standard story with crappy game play but I brought it for its ground-breaking features including the mad graphics it had (at the time). When I brought Halo I thought "I am missing something so ill give it a full heart full of attention but it was so crap I felt like playing one of those bottom shelf games you get for £4.99, nothing ground-breaking, nothing new or exiting, just old graphics with a standard story and was basically just FAIL.

From then on I see Halo players/fans as barging bucket buyers except the game costs £3.00.

IrisDane Offline
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« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2008, 08:09:44 am »

What I see a major breakthrough from halo 3 is the ability to make maps in forge which is really fun.Halo doesn't get my 10stars it gets 8.5stars about a C+ Average.
twzcatinhat Offline
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« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2008, 08:16:44 am »

isn't a 8.5 = "B" almost an "B+"
IrisDane Offline
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« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2008, 08:24:23 am »

Yeah but still I give it a C+ because its not good enough for a B-
Sepsis Offline
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« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2008, 09:05:51 am »

Fuck crysis, 'hey lets make a game with gfx that dont run smooth on any pc in existence n just forget the story completely', complete piece of shit. Halo is awesome, you all suck.
« Reply #34 on: July 15, 2008, 09:16:03 am »

I agree with you on the games but Halo 1 on the PC is great since it can support up to 16 players nearly flawlessly.

I never played Halo 2 as I refuse to buy Vista lol.

But I've played all 3 on Xbox and i have to say that yeah the biggest draw is the co-op, I played Halo 3 on legendary with my brother and we almost got it. I think this is what really separates it from all the other games out there and it's too bad that you can't do online co-op on the pc that'd be so sweet, microsoft really has no idea what they're missing from Halo on the pc they screwed that pooch so badly.
They Call Me SpitFire Offline
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« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2008, 09:29:40 am »

There is nothing wrong with Vista at all the computer needs 2.5x the RAM it does to run Vista than XP. Its not really meant for home usage its more of a business security type computer.

Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
Just the one-two of us, who's counting on
That never happens
I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than
No, oh
Crush, crush
(Two, three, four!)
Unkn0wn Offline
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« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2008, 09:32:20 am »

There is nothing wrong with Vista at all the computer needs 2.5x the RAM it does to run Vista than XP.
You summed up what's wrong with vista and contradicted yourself in one line! Good job!
IrisDane Offline
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« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2008, 09:42:38 am »

buy more RAM  Wink
« Reply #38 on: July 15, 2008, 10:14:30 am »

There is nothing wrong with Vista at all the computer needs 2.5x the RAM it does to run Vista than XP. Its not really meant for home usage its more of a business security type computer.

I didnt' say anything was wrong with it, just the fact that I don't want it.

I used ME for years until XP got better (and was forced due to most stuff not being able to run on ME/2000), I can do the same with XP.

I"m just not thrilled with Vista, it's just another Microsoft Money grab.
IrisDane Offline
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« Reply #39 on: July 15, 2008, 10:48:40 am »

Agreed there microsoft can suck my balls!!I hate them I do like the Xbox 360 though they didn't make it they just produce it. Tongue
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