Gah wind, you goof.
It's not showing in game because you didnt make a map_slots / map_base.tga out of the mini map for the game preview. I went ahead and made you a quick one.
Couple of quick things, since we got the time before the next map update. It is very pretty, but some of the technical aspects are gonna make it agonizing to play and we might as well hammer these problems out now.
Your gonna have to take a look at the sectoring again. I know we all want to see "creative sectors" but your going to have to limit the numbers on this map and make them a more uniform shape/less funky. Right now, your spawn sectors are too small and players are going to walk straight out of them without capping them. You also have more "uncontestable" sectors on the northern half of the map than you do the southern which will makes the sides not only tedious to capture, due to their size, but also unbalanced.
I went ahead and annotated a screenshot.
You got this really small, odd sector kinda stuck in the middle of two bigger ones as well as a few others. This one is #6 on the above screeny. These small ones need to be incorporated into the larger sectors to even things out.
Also, you need to go back and fill in all the "dead spaces" you have all over the map. The dead spaces are black spaces within a sector that do not allow you to cap the sector. They're probably under buildings and forests and stuff, but some are not and it's good to just go paint them all.
The point of creative sectoring is to base the sectors around the strong points in the map or areas that you want fought over. (like the center city, that is mostly fine) Having a small odd sector on one team's 20 is just going to be a pain to capture and will hold no tactcial significance during the game, but might give one team a pop advantage later on.
One more thing, get rid of these dudes right here because their howitzer guns spawn as world objects that can be captured by a team and used in game, which is basically free artillery and we dont want that.
Here's your map back, just send it back to me when you fix these things.