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Topic: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players. (Read 65557 times)
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Tired King of Stats
Posts: 9028
Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
June 09, 2011, 06:00:45 am »
In this thread I will be slowly accumulating information on various players, their general play-styles, their strengths and their weaknesses. I will update it as I go along, so don't be offended if you're not on the list today, tomorrow or even in a week. It may very well be so that you're not on the list because I've just not played enough with or against you. Any disagreements you may have - you can post out, giving reasoning for it, and if I find your point of view to be better informed than mine, I will incorporate it into my assessment.
Be aware that this thread IS going to be full of bias in the form of experience that I have had with the playstyle of a person, but I will make every effort for
bias against the person in the sense of social experience and interactions to be weeded out and to not be a part of the assessment of the player's database profile because they are frankly put - irrelevant. As such, do no post anything that you want to be added towards a person's profile entirely on the basis of you having a bad experience of the person.
A final disclaimer is that in this database the ability to spam units in an effective manner is perceived with complete neutrality. If somebody is good at spamming ostwinds + storms, that is exactly what is going to be mentioned. Whether or not this is "cool" or "lame" is absolutely irrelevant and yet again - any comments on this will frankly be ignored(and hopefully deleted).
---------------- THE EIRR PLAYER DATABASE ----------------
Version 0.1a - initial construct
Version 0.1b - 12 players described.
The general format for the player outline will be as follows:
Player: (Name)
Play-style*: (aggressive/defensive) (fluid/rigid) (fast/cautious) (light/heavy) (infantry/vehicle) (innovative/conservative)
Main strengths:
Main weaknesses:
General outline:
Aggressive means the person is more likely to, given the choice - initiate an attack than he is to defend.
Defensive means the person is more likely to, given the choice - form a solid line than he is to initiate an attack.
Fluid - the person is likely to switch up his company and tactics fairly often, and may well switch companies prior to a game if he has prior knowledge of what the enemy will field.
Rigid - the person tends to build up a solid company that is supported by consistent tactics and strategy. Players like this may be the toughest to dislodge from a position, or to stop in a determined push.
Fast - the player generally traverses fast across the battlefield without much need for knowledge of the whereabouts of enemy positions. Allows for quick response to an enemy breakthrough or can make an attack by them harder to fend-off due to consistent stream of reinforcements that rush to the front.
Cautious - the player generally scouts out an area before an offensive, and may send out cheap throw-aways in the front when he traverses across a large, un-reconned swath of land. Less likely to fall prey to ambush, generally is better with long-range high-fragility units such as snipers or fireflies.
Light - the player prefers cheaper, more plentiful units that cost less over high-cost high-performance units and will build his company around them. Examples include riflemen, volksgrenadiers, M8s, IHTs, StuGs, M10s.
Heavy - the player prefers high-cost high-performance units over cheaper ones and will build his company around them. Examples include Tigers, Pershings, King Tigers, muni-heavy grenadiers, rangers, commandos, airborne, stormtroopers (all with heavy weapons).
Infantry - the player prefers the usage of infantry over the use of vehicles, and as such bases their company around them.
Vehicle - the player prefers the usage of vehicles over the use of infantry, and as such bases their company around them.
Innovative - the player tends to look for new tactics and company builds to surprise the enemy to help him secure victory.
Conservative - the player tends to stick with tried and true tactics that have been empirically proven to work for maximum efficiency.
Have in mind nobody is 100% one or the other - it is an estimate of GENERAL PREFERENCE. In the case of me being not sure what is applicable to a person, I will contact them to know their own opinion.
With this established, I am taking up two posts below to begin writing the database.
Players Covered Thusfar :
Cheers to the following players who have provided me with their reviews on other players :
(Reviewer - Reviewee)
David - Skaffa
David - Elitegren
David - Mysthalin
David - EvilNrG
Heartmann - Enkk
Heartmann - Wicky
Skaffa - Nijo
Last Edit: June 11, 2011, 04:00:42 am by Mysthalin
Tired King of Stats
Posts: 9028
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #1 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:01:07 am »
Aggressive Rigid Fast Heavy Infantry Conservative
Main strengths:
Strong, solid pushes with superior use of usually well-equipped infantry under excellent use of sniper support generally leads to forcing the enemy into collapsing on a front and folding - quite often something they can't recover from for the duration of the game.
Main weaknesses
: Rather unadaptable in his company builds - certain units will almost always be featured. Up until recently: rather throw-away outlook on vehicles that limited him in the use of certain tactics, though this seems to have been alleviated. Textbook outlook on the battlefield may lead to crumbling when facing guerilla tactics.
General outline:
One of the more dangerous players to be faced. Employing a vast knowledge of infantry tactics and with a good understanding of strategy this player may and will strike hard. Always have at least one anti-sniper callin(preferably a sniper of your own) when fighting him and be sure to always watch your flanks. Any momentary advantage should be pushed immediately to take back territory and prepare for the next assault.
David (ShockCoil)
Aggressive, Rigid, Fast, Light, Infantry, Innovative
Main Strengths:
Relentless, strong pushes from all sides at once. Even though very infantry-centric in most builds, incorporates vehicles in others to great effect, which leads to good micro of vehicles in general, which comes to be a great advantage. Will back-cap you to fuck if need be, but is more likely to just charge you until he falls dead on the ground.
Main Weaknesses:
The same relentlessness that makes him an amazing attacker puts him in danger more than once as he approaches the enemy spawn way too close - and he won't give even a metre of soil. Even if that soil is literally the enemy spawn area. Due to lack of caution may end up in ambushes that could otherwise be averted.
General Outline:
One of the more dangerous opponents to face. Aggressive and relentless - also is rather likely to be playing with friends who use a different set of tactics to supplement his own "CHAAARGE" mentality with some substance of thought which delivers a deathly combo. Possibly the Leroy Jenkins of Europe In Ruins - struggling for the title between himself and Mukip. Extremely innovative - is usually one of the founding fathers of most of EiRRs FOTMs (Fads of the Month).
Aggresive Rigid Fast Heavy Vehicles Innovative
Main Strengths:
An intuitive understanding of the use of vehicles and extensive experience of the game allows the player to utilize his vehicles with all the virtues of being a "fast" player, while maintaining their survive-ability at the "cautious" denomination : one of a very few players exhibiting this trait. Strong attacking power.
Main Weaknesses:
Prone to being thrown off-guard by the unexpected (if you can manage to do so) which can completely throw him off-key. Harass units may be particularly demolishing as the player might not have an immediate answer to them, and might chose to attack from a position he is not capable to attack from. Heavy reliance on vehicles means some weakness versus heavy anti-tank companies.
General Outline:
A player that loves his tanks, and his tanks love him. Usually uses Medium tanks or Pershings, which earns him the inclined denomination "heavy" - though do not underestimate his ability with lighter vehicles - which he has proven to be a master of using on quite a few occasions. In facing the player be sure to either have a layered defence that is not easy to flank, or be prepared to go on the offensive - as leaving the initiative to the player will generally not end well. Anti-tank heavily advised. Direct, prolonged confrontations are not advised.
Aggresive Rigid Cautious Light Infantry Innovative
Main Strengths:
Always on the look out for the next big thing, as such he will usually have some of the most powerful doctrine units at the time and knows how to use them to great effect. Good aggressive player who knows how to assault fortified positions and is often prepared for them. Can exhibit high shock-value by using non-conventional tactics. Years of no-vent experience have also allowed him to respond to his team's needs intuitively.
Main Weaknesses:
His company building can also be a weakness. While his companies always exhibit great strength at a particular job, he tends to rely on his teammates to cover for his company's weaknesses. Isolation can thus be deadly. While he concentrates on taking out defensive lines, he becomes more exposed when dealing with hit and run tactics that do not have a focus point for him to break.
General Outline:
A player that can take a concept and turn it into a viable company, he can always be found with the newest powerful build tailored to his doctrine choices. Although innovative, he will usually be running one build for a length of time before moving on. Usually focuses on infantry with the occasional appearance of heavy tanks. Often found playing with teammates of his choice that can cover for his weaknesses, expect great teamwork from the opponents if facing him. Good teamwork of your own and co-ordination is key to bringing down this player.
Defensive Rigid Cautious Heavy Infantry Conservative
Main strengths:
A strong combined arms player that makes every effort to force his opponents to fight on his terms, which he achieves by excellent use of snipers or other harass units. Strategically minded, this player plans for most contingencies by covering his flanks - be it via mines or support weapons, which can make fast attacks crumble under their own weight.
Main weaknesses:
Due to the relative similarity of the player's various builds it is not hard to predict what he will use, and as such - prepare for it. The player may also be thrown off-key by the loss of several vehicles in a short period of time, which will cause him to use other, expensive units, even if vehicles remain the optimal battlefield choice. Being out-harassed may force the player to get out of his comfort zone, effectively nullifying his main strength.
General outline:
A steadfast and stable player who is not easy to outplay in harassment tactics. His stratagems often revolve around making the opponents attack him at which point they are subsequently crushed. The player seems to start off most of his assaults with a form of heavy harassment - which is apparently used mostly as a prod-stick with which to gauge the relative strength of the opposing forces in an area.
Aggressive Rigid Fast Light Infantry Conservative
Main strengths:
Absolutely fearless, will take his army of cheap but efficient units and hound you to the ends of the earth. Total disregard for presistency and good infantry micro lets him get 100% out of every unit he controls. Not afraid to sacrifice his units to achieve an object nor is he afraid to assault the enemy against overwhelming odds giving him an element of unpredictability. Constant waves of assaults and behind enemy line poking will eventually break down even the most defended positions as he attritions you for pop and units.
Main weaknesses:
His disregard for unit and willingness to face the odds can sometimes lead to him throwing away precious resources in fruitless attacks and as such is easy to bait him into attritioning himself. He is also prone to isolating himself when his teammates are unwilling to commit themselves to his attacks and may find trouble with co-ordination. Moreover, while his infantry micro is good, his tank micro leaves something to be desired limiting his viable builds and leaving him vulnerable to some hard-countering.
General outline:
Being respected as both a skilled veteran and the 8k score failguy sums up this player's style quite well. On the one hand you have a relenteless player who will push his company to the limit while breaking your lines into little pieces and yet if he cannot properly combine with his teammates he'll end up throwing himself into the meat grinder happily. But this player doesn't care, when he gets in game he's looking to either break you down completely or be completely broken down himself. Approach with caution. On a side note, he has a weird tendency to play better with worse teammates.
Defensive Rigid Cautious Heavy Infantry Conservative
Main Strengths:
Excellent use of infantry and good, intuitive grasp on how to execute ambushes that stems from extensive experience from using fallschirmjaegers. Understanding of frailty that goes hand-in-hand with infantry being infantry which thus derives a g
ood sense on how to effectively use snipers.
Main Weaknesses:
Quite rigid in his inclinations - the player is rather easy to predict in both the units he will use, and the tactics he will employ. Can also be "put out of his comfort zone" by exceedingly "shock" tactics which may cause him to lose initiative.
General Outline:
A player that understands the combined arms concept very well - he may well require either a superior combination of combined arms, or an "overload" to be taken out (for instance, a full popcap-push of pure infantry). Due to the tendency to use infantry over anything else he may be slow to traverse from front to front if required - so flanks and "attacking where he isn't" may be effective in both taking territory and throwing the player off-guard. Artillery should not be snuffed in facing the player.
Defensive Rigid Cautious Light Vehicle Innovative
Main Strengths:
A strong grasp of vehicle micro combined with efficient scouting and screening tactics create an environment in where his tanks and vehicles can simply shine. The blatant disregard for the screening units' lives and safety ensures the vehicles deal their full potential in damage as the meatshields die out - only to later return to repeat the same once they have repaired. A varied pleuthora of vehicles used means a variety of vehicle counters need to be utilised in order to beat the player.
Main Weaknesses:
A heavy preference in vehicles has left the player to disregard his infantry (both a strength and a weakness) - which can be used against him by either ignoring the infantry, or by focusing on it explicitly, thus diminishing the player's ability to effectively respond to back-capping.
General Outline:
A fluctuating preference between greyhounds or T17s to Medium tanks such as the M4 and the Hetzer, with the occasional Heavy peeking out(Jagds, Pershings). The overall inclination towards mediums and lights and lightly upgraded infantry is what earns him his "light" denomination. Ways to winning against this player include the use of a strong, malleable front with effective anti-tank, targeting his support explicitly(which should be easier to do than taking the tanks head-on) and simply out-motorizing the player.
Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 12:07:23 pm by Evilnrg
EIR Veteran
Posts: 2667
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #2 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:08:06 am »
Defensive Rigid Cautious Light Infantry Conservative
Main Strengths:
Extremely good use of support weapons, snipers and infantry and certain tanks. Strengths accrued over time from using consistent tactics that have proven to work in nearly every situation. Works well as a team-player, his defensiveness does not equal passiveness.
Main Weaknesses:
A somewhat cautious attitude may lose time and potential territory if not playing with someone more inclined towards a speedy advance than himself. Vulnearable to artilery such as nebelwerfers due to his positioning of units. May be forced into attacking if his harass units are taken out(artillery and snipers).
General Outline:
A conservative player in the sense of company build - he uses what he does because it simply works. Strong, steadfast and reliable - if you've set your eyes on a sector - you can be sure Misten will come help you take it, and once you do - he'll hold it. In facing him - never engage outright or in a front-lines fight. Always flank and attack positions where he is not to scramble his positioning so your ally can then take him out. His harass units are a priority target.
Aggressive, Rigid, Cautious, Light, Vehicle, Innovative
Main Strengths:
Heavy use of scouting and keen decision making allows this players to strike his opponents where it hurts. Combined with a penchant for vehicles and disposable troops and you have a dangerous player who can appear seemingly out of nowhere and strike a fatal blow to your defensive line. Emphasis on mobility and scouting also allows him to track enemy harassment units and dispose of them accordingly. Cautious in the approach. deadly on the assault and swift on the retreat, an almost random attack pattern will keep his opponents on their toes. Also able to come up with new winning builds consistently.
Main Weaknesses:
Although decisive when it comes to it, this player always relys on his intel to inform his decisions. Thus if you shut down his key scouting units early then he will be forced to play with tactics he is relatively unfamiliar and weak at. The same reliance on intel also makes it possible to bait him into traps by swiftly redoplying positions. Although good at company building, he often sticks to themes he is familiar with thus denying him the use of potentially good units.
General Outline:
A player who can seem almost random at times yet rest assured there is always something going on behind his thought process. Heavy emphasis on scouting and attacking with speed makes him a dangerous opponent for players who favour static defences. Although he may take a while to acquire his target, he will always follow through with an assault when he does. Always looking for openings on and off the battlefield, he is one of the more innovative players in the mod and often induces much rage at his new 'spam'. ( he will play better when he got RUM )
Defensive Rigid Cautious Heavy Infantry Conservative
Main Strengths:
A good player with great combined arms usage, well known for his scouting abilities - always having a Jeep or Bike around to scout for enemy positions and making great use out of the gathered intel. Good use of combined arms allows him to remain flexible on the field of battle, as well as keep his opponents guessing on what counters to use. Mines are another key aspect of his arsenal - which he uses to great effect both as a defensive measure against attacks, and as a psychological tool to get the enemy paranoid of the possibility of mines everywhere - hence neutering their initiative.
Main Weaknesses:
His combined arms and mostly infantry based army, protected by mines, can fall apart when key elements of his army are taken out. Being able to overrun his position in a mass assault will weaken his grip on the game. The combined arms approach takes time to re-position to be used to full effect, so harassing this player, picking off unit after unit will put strain on the play-style. The player may sometimes overextend his units.
General Outline:
One of the better players, who plays with anyone and because of that might not stand out as much but will always remain a dangerous player to face. Playing with anyone out there ensures that his company remains flexible and self-reliant. Known for his excellent scouting, extensive and tricky mine usage, and combined arms play. However, his reliance on similar company builds may lead to him being a tad predictable. Do not let his seemingly stationary play-style fool you - his intense use of scouting units will let him know what is going on with the enemy in front of him - and if you decide to fight elsewhere do not expect this player to stay put - he will move up and take advantage of it.
Defensive Rigid Cautious Heavy Infantry Conservative
Main Strengths:
Superb micro backed by tried and true, powerful high cost/high reward units. This player utilises his superb micro to get the most out of expensive units and attrition his opponent, often content to sit back and hold territory and let his opponents throw themselves at him. However do not take this as a sign of offensive weakness as he is perfectly capable of joining an assault spearheaded by his teammates to great effect. Often concentrates his forces for greater firepower and cohesion. Good ambushing capabilities.
Main Weaknesses:
Reliance on high pop and often slow units leaves him vulnerable to fast harrassment attacks and back-capping tactics. Where he excels in a pitched battle, he is less proficient in fluid battles and can find himself vulnerable to flanks. Can also sometimes find himself unable to break strongly defended positions, which can then make him content to sit back - somewhat of a detriment in fighting artillery-heavy companies.
General Outline:
Tempered and methodical, a player than plows steadily and thoroughly through his opponents ranks and company. Mainly likes to use elite infantry to their max by employing them conservatively and only picking fights that he knows he can win. However don't take the emphasis on infantry for granted as he is just as likely to bust out multiple heavy tanks to great effect. In tackling this player one should aim to take him out his comfort zone, back-cap to spread out his tight formation or flank and take him apart piecemeal. Caution should be employed as this player is at his strongest when standing his ground and counter-attacking.
Defensive Fluid Cautious Light Infantry Innovative
Main Strengths:
Cautious not only on the battlefield, but outside of it - Smokaz attempts to get all the information he can about his enemy prior to the battle and prepares accordingly. Never attacks when it isn't actually necessary, with his pushes being a solid line of units working extremely well in tandem. MGs, ATGs and the like used with rangers or riflemen are his "pony".
Main Weaknesses:
The cautiousness can turn against him if his judgment of the enemy company turns out to be incorrect as he's left with counters to units that are not there. It may also make him quite a target for artillery, if it manages to catch him by surprise. The extreme focus on infantry has also lead him to neglect vehicles to a certain extent, and as such certain tactics may be "locked" to him frankly because he's unwilling to use something he is not experienced at using.
General Outline:
One of the better, if now rather absent, players. Plays both with teammates and in random matches which keeps his adaptability and individual skill to a high level. Is not afraid to experiment both with doctrines and units, and has a very good intuitive grasp of the game, as well as the micro to back it up. Can generally be beaten by being fed false information, or by taking advantage of his weaknesses.
Defensive Rigid Cautious Light Vehicle Conservative
Main Strengths:
A player that, although conservative - is not afraid of new builds that have proven to work - a trait that lends to the use of a rather varied mix of units, and hence quite some flexibility on the battlefield. Steadfast in his defenses that are centered around a key vehicle (often a StuG) - he may force a heavy price upon an enemy assaulting his position.
Main Weaknesses:
May sometimes be unwilling to attack a position without an ally initiating the attack before him, and does suffer from occasionally flying into a fit of defeatism if things are not going entirely up to plan - which can in itself cost a team a victory more than anything else. Having bought into the "cheapskates doctrine" the player also now does tend to shun certain units which may be more optimal in a stage of the metagame.
General Outline:
A reliable player that is quite heavily integrated with his team. Although defensive - he will not shy away from an offensive if his team is engaging in the same. Use flanking and harass units, or potent and prolonged offensives to dislodge him from his positions - but do take care of not falling prey to an ambush or to a quick counter-attack.
Aggressive Rigid Fast Heavy Vehicle Conservative
Main strengths:
A player possessing great knowledge on how to handle tanks - he utilizes them in conjunction with smoke to create strong shocks which he then uses to push into the opponent's territory. Strong use of support weapons makes sure his pushes are well-rounded and capable of dealing with anything that may be waiting for the player.
Main weaknesses:
Due to his love for spearhead attacks the player rarely attacks the flanks of the enemy force, preferring to push in through the center. This in turn results in predictability, which can at times lead to the player being caught in an ambush. The sheer will to remain on the front lines may also cause the player to take unnecessary losses when a tactical withdrawal would be the better option, or when he's fighting the enemy team on his own as his allies are still a few sectors away.
General outline:
A strategically minded player that prefers strong and concise pushes over anything else. Back-up defensive lines, or assaults of your own may well be able to throw the player off his game, but do care not to lose the initiative. The best counter tactic, as with most spearhead attackers, is to simply not create a front which can then be broken - rather opting for asymmetrical warfare as the optimal tactic.
Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 01:07:09 pm by Evilnrg
Quote from: Tymathee on March 01, 2012, 03:10:58 pm
Demon posession is real and it's not funny, it's the creepiest thing you will ever experience.
Quote from: Jodomar on October 18, 2012, 09:45:42 am
I would also like to add I watch fox news everyday all day and will continue to watch it while being proud of that fact. I'm sure you enjoy your communist news network just as much.
EIR Veteran
Posts: 1147
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #3 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:09:43 am »
Self-written reviews section
Completely untouched upon by me, this is the section in which I post people's self-written reviews for comparison between what the community thinks, and what the player himself thinks.
Defensive Rigid Cautious Light Infantry Conservative
Main strengths:
Greatly understanding of the qualms of well-equipped, veteran infantry, medium armor, and support teams and their use in combined arms and passively striking an enemy's point of weakness. Static play is ill-advised as his flanking attacks often catch a player's entire flank exposed--eliminating a large swath of units with ruthless effeciency in the process. Possesses almost unbeatable micro of his preffered units.
Main weaknesses:
Over-indoctricated in years of vCoH play, an avid unit preservationist--especially with infantry units. Reliance on handheld AT and the rare ATG leaves him open to heavy armor builds and as such he relies on his team for AT. He's used the same general company builds and tactics since joining EiR and is easily predictable in his unit pool. Can easily be pushed out his rythem by heavy shock attacks.
General outline:
Newbie to the EiRR scene, an easy pushover at best. Almost unbeatable when allowed to position himself into a steady, methodical advance after pulling off a trademark 'all-in' exploitation attack. A very passive player, will usually wait to consolidate his forces before attempting to make any large-scale attacks, and prefers knockout-blow style fighting as opposed to small-scale guerrila tactics. Because of his defferal to combine arms, the use of all armor or all infantry spam attacks are usually needed to beat him.
Aggressive Fluid Cautious Heavy Infantry Innovative
Main strengths:
Aggressive playstyle is usually on the "passive aggressive" side as Tym will throw away units to kill what he feels is a backbreaker but will also retreat and hold his position when needed. Has high field awareness and is always willing to help in an attack, counter attack or defense. Very good at supporting infantry with vehicles and using any type of stand off weapon, usually employs a good array of combined arms.
Main weaknesses:
Even though he's innovative and adaptable, can be a bit slow to adapt to a new strategy and sometimes his company composition and call ins are something to be desired. PE and can be a bit of an arty whore.
General outline:
Very good teammate to have as a support player as he'll always look out and support who he feels needs help the most and will make sure that the best players are able to use their tactics to their utmost ability. Will (almost) always have a variety of units that can help in any situation but rarely great at any one thing. Will look to exploit any weakness in the enemy's strategy and communicates well with teammates.
Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 11:44:11 am by Mysthalin
Quote from: LeoPhone on June 25, 2011, 04:06:43 pm
why is everyone except me retarded?
Honoured Member
Posts: 3130
The very best player of one of the four factions.
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #4 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:11:54 am »
Actually do what u want, might be fun if u can be objective towards me, which I doubt, but we'll see.
Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 07:34:32 am by skaffa
Quote from: deadbolt
bad luck skaffa> creates best and most played eir maps
> hated for creating best and most played eir maps
Quote from: Tachibana
47k new all time record?
Quote from: deadbolt
Don't knock it til uve tried it bitchface, this isn't anything like salads version. Besides u said a semois conversion would never work, now look that's the most played map, ohgodwhy.jpg r u map lead
EIR Veteran
Posts: 4136
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #5 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:13:22 am »
you forget important factors such as teamwork and ventrilo usage.
Sharks are not monsters Henley, they are cute, cuddly and misunderstood. They love humans. sometimes they love TOO much. They love people so much that sometimes their kisses separate people into two flailing pieces which are consumed by other sharks in a frenzy of peace and joy.
EIR Veteran
Posts: 2667
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #6 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:14:59 am »
If he gets you spot on then you can't be upset about him putting you into a box or judging you.
If he doesn't then everyone that reads it and believes it will have a harder time defeating you.
Only reason you would mind being on that list is because of your e-peen
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
Posts: 6294
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #7 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:21:15 am »
I would love to see what people think of me.
srsly post what you think my tactic is.
Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 06:25:35 am by TheIcelandicManiac
Quote from: Grundwaffe
Quote from: Shabtajus on May 18, 2013, 02:16:45 am
gj icelandic i am proud of u
Quote from: aeroblade56 on June 21, 2013, 11:47:37 am
Sometimes its like PQ doesnt carrot all.
Work Harder
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Posts: 18379
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #8 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:32:45 am »
Cool idea, although I would be careful not to insult people.
Like when people made a ranking of players, we all know how that ended up.
Tired King of Stats
Posts: 9028
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #9 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:35:22 am »
Not intending to rank anyone based on anything. Anyone can be dangerous in a game, given the right circumstances - I am merely looking at people from an objectivist, social-science standpoint.
Resident forum troll. Fucked unkn0wns mom
Posts: 6294
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #10 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:36:21 am »
Well ijust hope it wont end like this one
No longer retired
Posts: 18379
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #11 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:37:42 am »
If the moderators would will it - I would like to have moderation rights on this single, particular thread, so I can weed out things that I deem to be silly without the need to call for enforcement from up above.
Not possible, but you could become or new chief strategist and be in charge of the strategy forums
(They are in due need of some moderation and reorganisation)
Tired King of Stats
Posts: 9028
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #12 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:38:54 am »
I guess I could do, considering I'm not expected to have too vigilant a watch, as I'm intending to keep myself busy over the summer.
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Posts: 18379
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #13 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:41:05 am »
Also, you forgot to explain conservative/innovative
Posts: 960
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #14 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:45:57 am »
Seems pretty clear cut to me.
Innovative - tries new strats that invoke rage from their victims.
Conservative - plays tried and true strats that invoke rage from their victims.
That's how I read it anyway
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Posts: 18379
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #15 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:48:22 am »
Sounds somewhat similar to rigid/fluid to be honest.
Posts: 9741
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #16 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:49:00 am »
i'm curious to see what someone would say about me considering I have like 7 different level 9 companies
Quote from: nikomas on October 04, 2012, 09:26:33 pm
"I want proof!"
"I have proof!"
"Whatever, I'm still right"
Dafuq man, don't ask for proof if you'll refuse it if it's not in your favor, logic fallacy for the bloody win.
EIR Veteran
Posts: 1802
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #17 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:49:55 am »
Pretty accurate descriptions tbh.
I approve!
Also, you could mention if they are a team player or a rambo (you support me or we lose) guy =p
Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 06:53:33 am by spinn72
Tired King of Stats
Posts: 9028
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #18 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:50:56 am »
Rigid/Fluid is on-the-spot decisions. A Rigid player can be innovative in the sense that he creates a company featuring new tactics and a new playstyle, but be rigid in the sense that he won't change it because player x,y,z joined.
A Fluid player can, conversely, be conservative in that he switches his company up when facing specific players, but still sticks to tactics that have been tried before and have proven to work.
Rigid/Fluid = Short term.
Innovative/Conservative = Long term.
Tired King of Stats
Posts: 9028
Re: Know your Enemy : A Database of information on various players.
Reply #19 on:
June 09, 2011, 06:53:54 am »
Also, people that I have not played against all that much, or people that I haven't played in a long time with - be aware that my descriptions of you will take longer to do and may be less accurate. I am naturally starting off with the people I know better - frankly because I know how they play better and don't have to think as much in describing them.
For instance - Icelandic - me describing you is not going to happen at this moment in time frankly because we've only played like 2-3 games. It's a bit hard to gauge you from this limited information.
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