AmPM... our stats are similar with mine being slightly better, so I wouldn't talk about anyone getting owned if I were you
My issues with the game come from the artillery system which is horribly implemented, the total lack of game modes like capture the flag, king of the hill, last man standing, etc... the absolute shit awful spotting system, and the completely disingenuous way they market their game as "free to play". Get yourself an E-75 (which you'll fucking love) and an E-50 (which you'll also love). Without premium, you'll play one match with a tier 9 then have to play 7 more matches with a lower tier just to make your money back.
I've mentioned several times that, at its core, the game is good. It controls well, and it's fun as shit to shoot people. But the stale gameplay and numerous other problems persist even though they should be incredibly easy fixes. Shit... until recently you couldn't even make a platoon with friends unless you had a paid premium account. Even now, you can only platoon up with one friend without paying. It's heebery on a blatantly insulting scale.
I simply don't see World of Warplanes, or World of Battleships being any better.