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Author Topic: Small commando rework:  (Read 7701 times)
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LeoPhone Offline
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« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2012, 04:58:35 pm »

can't really have epic heroic charge either when you have the t4

but yeah I will try again and see if the commando LT really makes such a difference

get top and mid t3 for epic LT heroic charge. you also get 0.75 rec. dmg while doing heroic charge so 2x sten mandos + lt might start to rape kch.
8thRifleRegiment Offline
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« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2012, 05:53:45 pm »

I think, this doctrine should encourage replacing all your infantry base with commandos, as you can do with fallscrimjaegars, unfortunatly the rifle the commandos have is the most useless thing on this earth, and they are ridiuclously espensive to just get for the rifles.

I will never forget the rage we enduced together

Ohh Good, AmPm can pay in Doubloons.
Scotzmen Offline
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« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2012, 07:10:07 pm »

Also, Tets need some love, i see no Commando player using tetrachs except me. These little bastards are fine with LJ adapter, but bas standerd they need a bnit of a buff against infantry.
CrazyWR Offline
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« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2012, 10:34:40 pm »

tets with LJ adapter rape face...I had one kill multiple tigers...

1. New tactics? it's like JAWS, first one in the water dies

RCA-land where shells fall like raindrops and the Captain is an invincible god
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2012, 06:27:51 am »

sure, sure. But you said yourself this was kinda useless for the sten.

and it makes sense right? at short range where the sten is good, the accuracy thing will at best counteract other buffs.

can't really have epic heroic charge either when you have the t4

but yeah I will try again and see if the commando LT really makes such a difference

the commando leutnant buffs the commando stens afaik (if buffs apply to the stens) by

55% more dps short range
61% more dps med range
80% more dps long range

that should make it like almost like a 6 bren squad longrange

i remember when people complained about pervertin pills 35% dps buff or something
« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 06:33:21 am by BigDick » Logged
deadbolt Offline
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« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2012, 06:31:25 am »

why not make a t4 that reduces commandos pool, that why you can get more for less rape on your pool

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He made a funny thread for bear, and got banned.

Now bear makes his own funny thread. It's unsurprisingly not funny.

Keeps died for our funny threads.
LeoPhone Offline
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« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2012, 07:01:42 am »

the commando leutnant buffs the commando stens afaik (if buffs apply to the stens) by

55% more dps short range
61% more dps med range
80% more dps long range

that should make it like almost like a 6 bren squad longrange

i remember when people complained about pervertin pills 35% dps buff or something

and you would get the same DPS at med/long range by using just LT buffed lee enfields! which don't cost 135 munitions
Smokaz Offline
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« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2012, 11:45:05 am »

dont contradict bigdick, he will hate you

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« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2012, 12:01:26 pm »

and you would get the same DPS at med/long range by using just LT buffed lee enfields! which don't cost 135 munitions

yeah med and longrange but u get still around 450% short range dps with the stens compared to default rifles
so it does obviously not change the role of an smg so you want to get into close combat with the stens sure
but its not always possible cos players run when assault units charge and these insane buffs will give it great longrange accuracy (for comparison more than a k98 grensquad on longrange with that smg)

but i agree the buffs of commando officer are in general retarded

Hicks58 Offline
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« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2012, 01:58:40 pm »

As I've tried to point out, the shortcoming of the Sten is not it's accuracy, it's the damage it deals.

Infantry, Airborne and Elite armour it deals 0.75, Heroic it deals 0.6 and Soldier it deals 0.5.

The Sten has 0.75 close range accuracy, with a fair deal of misses rolling as hits at that range. Accuracy is only going to show a tangible benefit up to a point.

I mean I know Obama was the first one in EiR to get a card. and tbfh the Race card is pretty OP. but Romney has the K.K.K., those guys seem to camo anywhere. So OP units from both sides.
At the end of the day, however, stormtroopers finally got the anal invasion with a cactus they have richly deserved for years.
Smokaz Offline
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« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2012, 01:59:29 pm »

Last game on abbeville I had a unupgraded vet 1 fsj squad beat a vet 2 commando squad with 5 stens and 1 shrek using smoke Smiley

Tbh I think the devs have ninja nerfed smoke, you are supposed to be invisible for a duration after the use is popped, last game Crazy's Tiger Ace shot me like 0.5 seconds after I used smoke and shaved off 3 guys.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 02:01:18 pm by Smokaz » Logged
smurfORnot Offline
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« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2012, 02:06:22 pm »

Last game on abbeville I had a unupgraded vet 1 fsj squad beat a vet 2 commando squad with 5 stens and 1 shrek using smoke Smiley

pics or didnt happen!

OR fj's are OP if they are not unupgraded,lol
Smokaz Offline
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« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2012, 02:06:51 pm »

Ask Jack he was in the game on Abbe with Aurdo and TheHost. I had 2 members left with like 10% hp, he retreated at 1 man. Thats beaten to me.
aeroblade56 Offline
Posts: 3871

« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2012, 03:16:42 pm »

Last game on abbeville I had a unupgraded vet 1 fsj squad beat a vet 2 commando squad with 5 stens and 1 shrek using smoke Smiley

Tbh I think the devs have ninja nerfed smoke, you are supposed to be invisible for a duration after the use is popped, last game Crazy's Tiger Ace shot me like 0.5 seconds after I used smoke and shaved off 3 guys.

they did somehow, i noticed a KT snipe my whilst smoke popped or enemy units just rushing right when i hit it and still effectively hit me when (invisible)

You are welcome to your opinion.

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Tymathee Offline
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« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2012, 05:40:24 pm »

what if they had something so they could see them? they're just invisible like a storm, they can still be detected.

"I want proof!"
"I have proof!"
"Whatever, I'm still right"

Dafuq man, don't ask for proof if you'll refuse it if it's not in your favor, logic fallacy for the bloody win.
Scotzmen Offline
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« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2012, 05:48:24 pm »

If you smoke after the projectile weapon fires, it can still hit.
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