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Author Topic: Evangelics in Sweden FTW!  (Read 49026 times)
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Sachaztan Offline
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Posts: 2667

« on: March 01, 2012, 10:17:21 am »


Google translate (with a few fixes, srsly machine translations sucks ass)

Pastor accused of exorcism on the 14-year-old girl.
A 47-year-old pastor drove out spirits from the 14-year-old girl in Malmö. He forced her to drink oil, and stuck a nail in her stomach. Now he is prosecuted in Borås together with the girls parents.

The parents of the 14-year-old girl took her from Boras to the pastor in Malmö. In a local church, the 47-year-old pastor, inter alia, have stuck a nail in the girl's stomach.

In addition, forced the girl into a week in 2010, when she was only twelve years, with the implied threat to endure exorcism in the parish hall. In the meantime, she will not have had adequate sleep or food.

Expulsion should have lasted a week and consisted in part of the girl was being pushed around between people who stood in a circle. At the same time they have asked aggressive prayers until the girl fell to the floor.

The rituals also included that they rubbed the girl with oil, and forced her to drink it.

The authorities realized that something was wrong when the girl did not come to school for weeks.

She also investigated the BUP (psychiatry for youths) and smote a psychologist warned that she did not come to the meetings. Slowly, a different reality reveal itself. His father and step-mother thought the girl was a witch and possessed by evil spirits.

At one point, it was not Malmö pastor involved, she should have been bound and burned with a red-hot knife on the arm.

Assembly in Malmö is described as a sectarian evangelist church.

The trial starts March 5.

Demon posession is real and it's not funny, it's the creepiest thing you will ever experience.

I would also like to add I watch fox news everyday all day and will continue to watch it while being proud of that fact. I'm sure you enjoy your communist news network just as much.
Mister Schmidt Offline
Posts: 5006

« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2012, 10:29:58 am »

Fucking religion.

I never knew sticking a nail in someone was a method of exorcism though, that's interesting.

Tbh it sounds more like some kind of lame rape orgy, than hardcore religion.

I suppose that would sound better in court though

and 6th " Main Thing " is you have to Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare ".
"Seeing Bigdick in his full sado mask attire, David couldn't help but feel a tingle in his special place.."
deadbolt Offline
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« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2012, 10:33:31 am »

thats like erotic literature for sach and smurfornot tbh.

Like Jesus, Keeps died for us

He made a funny thread for bear, and got banned.

Now bear makes his own funny thread. It's unsurprisingly not funny.

Keeps died for our funny threads.
Spartan_Marine88 Offline
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« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2012, 10:37:52 am »

Fucking religion.

Yes lets ignore that science doesn't have the exact same people injecting people with burning poison just to see the effects on the nervous system.

religion doesn't breed fucktards, fucktards do

Yes that's me, the special snowflake.
smurfORnot Offline
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« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2012, 10:41:43 am »

I guess you dont believe in exorcism...havent you watched Exorcist? That shit is real...
Spartan_Marine88 Offline
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« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2012, 10:45:02 am »

I guess the possibility for it to exist i can believe in. But even if it did exist, 99% of it would still probably be bullshit.
Mister Schmidt Offline
Posts: 5006

« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2012, 11:36:50 am »

Yes lets ignore that science doesn't have the exact same people injecting people with burning poison just to see the effects on the nervous system.

religion doesn't breed fucktards, fucktards do

Yeah, that's just called stupidity, but at least they have a remotely valid reason for it.

I don't condone either, as I'm sure you know I'm a pansy animal lover, and I fucking hate animal testing, regardless of what "good" comes out of it, and I feel the same way about what you described.

All I'm saying is, religion has a tendency to cause some really, really weird stuff.
Hicks58 Offline
Posts: 5343

« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2012, 12:12:48 pm »

If people want to be assholes to each other, they will do it.

You'll find them following religion, science, their own brand of complete crap, whatever. If people want to hate, they'll find their loop-holes to hate.

As they say, hater's gonna hate.

The baseline of most religions usually isn't too bad, it's just ol' humanity screwing things up with it's development to fulfil greed. Same thing applies to science, conspiracy theorists, revolutionists, etc. Everything starts with a good idea. Somebody will then see the loop-holes in the good idea so they can legitimise their douchebaggery.

You can, and will, find vile fuckers in every single corner of society. If they haven't found it in a specific place then they are either good at hiding it or it hasn't been exploited yet.

Hooray for cynicism!

I mean I know Obama was the first one in EiR to get a card. and tbfh the Race card is pretty OP. but Romney has the K.K.K., those guys seem to camo anywhere. So OP units from both sides.
At the end of the day, however, stormtroopers finally got the anal invasion with a cactus they have richly deserved for years.
Sachaztan Offline
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Posts: 2667

« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2012, 01:02:13 pm »

Science isn't an ideology, its a system.

Its about as comparable to religion and politics as math.
Hicks58 Offline
Posts: 5343

« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2012, 01:05:12 pm »

I agree that Science is a system. However, from the correct perspective Science can be as much an ideology as Religion.

Heh, that's also another fun little thing that can get people pointlessly killed. Perspective.
Jodomar Offline
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« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2012, 01:16:47 pm »

One thing is for sure. She is going to be royally fucked in the head area for quite some time. Religion is just fucking stupid, honestly.
Tymathee Offline
Posts: 9741

« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2012, 02:05:29 pm »

Religion has its place but there are idiots everywhere who do things wrong. I've never heard of anything like this and hope the bastard goes to jail along with anyone else who allowed this crap.

There will always be people who because of pride will retard the original idea of anything for their own purposes. Science & religion included.

"I want proof!"
"I have proof!"
"Whatever, I'm still right"

Dafuq man, don't ask for proof if you'll refuse it if it's not in your favor, logic fallacy for the bloody win.
Spartan_Marine88 Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 4838

« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2012, 02:09:47 pm »

Eh exorcisms are about on par with Insane Asylums, same kind of dumb ass shit.


this shit happens all the time in 3rd world/backwards religious cults.
Tymathee Offline
Posts: 9741

« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2012, 02:24:22 pm »

Eh exorcisms are about on par with Insane Asylums, same kind of dumb ass shit.


this shit happens all the time in 3rd world/backwards religious cults.

heh funny. I've actually seen exorcism's done and its way easier to do it than it's portrayed in movies and stories. It goes pretty much how it goes in the New Testament. All that chanting, holy water, stakes, etc is all for show and can be generally ineffective.
deadbolt Offline
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« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2012, 02:27:54 pm »

i prefer the bitchslap technique for an exorcism tbh
Mister Schmidt Offline
Posts: 5006

« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2012, 02:28:38 pm »

I'd wager all of it is ineffective Tym :L
Spartan_Marine88 Offline
EIR Veteran
Posts: 4838

« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2012, 02:30:14 pm »

I'd wager all of it is ineffective Tym :L

Id wager your not old enough to wager
Mister Schmidt Offline
Posts: 5006

« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2012, 02:31:11 pm »


anyway go away stop picking on me

Spartan being mean to me because my opinion isn't the same as his Cry Cry Cry
TheIcelandicManiac Offline
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« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2012, 02:31:57 pm »

I wager that fraggers is older than me.

Quote from: Grundwaffe
gj icelandic i am proud of u  Smiley
Sometimes its like PQ doesnt carrot all.

Work Harder
deadbolt Offline
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« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2012, 02:33:35 pm »

Id wager your not old enough to wager

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