The difference is the ammount of damage an inf HT can take compared to Bren carrier.
a bren carrier can take 3 shots. inf HT only 2 from an atg.
So draw your own conclusion, if Trenchbusters in Carrier are op
Unit name: 250 Light HT
Health: 300 HP
Armour: tp_vehicle_sdkfz_22x_armoured_car.lua Ar
Sight: 35
Accelleration/Speed/deacceleration: 4,5/7,2/3
Weapon: mg42_250_halftrack
Holds: 10
Unit name: Bren Carrier
Health: 245 HP
Armour: tp_vehicle_universal_carrier.lua
Sight: 35
Accelleration/Speed/deacceleration: 2,5/7/3
Weapon: mg42_250_halftrack
Hold: 6
The bren is left with 15 HP after 2 shots if the pak didnt fire first in cloak.
the clowncar is killed but is more likely able to flee from the situation with its supirior speed and acceliration
Ninja edit: forgot to add that the universal armour is better against small arms fire than the Clowncar armour.
Assult flamers have 80 HP and airborn armour.
Have 3 Mp44s and a flamer
sappers Flamers have 60 HP and soldier armour.
3 enfields and a flamer
Granted the sappers have the better armour here but are worse in the HP department plus the Assult flamer is able to put out way more DPS against face to face fighting here in case the user is unlucky and isnt rolling any crits.
Id go with the clowncar flamer with out a doupt
Keep in mind this didnt take into effect of Zrecks and zooks.
lets just put it like this
3 zreck hits kill a bren carrier as each hit deals 98 damadge.
4 zook hits kill a clowncar dealing 93 damadge each hit.